Andrea Telatin
Andrea Telatin Head of Bioinformatics at the Quadram Institute Bioscience, Norwich.

Bioinformatics tutorials

Bioinformatics tutorials

Each markdown file will not have any “header1” section: the title of the page is defined in the header by the title: tag.

Each post needs a nice header image, if you dont have one choose an existing in assets/images

Then add sections

And you can of course add code snippets as usual:

for i in *.md;
  echo "We have this post here: $i"

What can you add?

Add a blog post about:

1) Any useful bioinformatics concept e.g. what is singularity and how to use it 2) A result from your work e.g. comment on a paper or showcase a repository you did 3) A list of resources you like e.g. best packages for X, or top resources to learn Y…

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