dadaist2-metadata - create a sample sheet from a list of Paired End FASTQ files, that can be used as a template to add further columns. This is automatically called by dadaist2
, but it can be used to generate a valid templeate to be extended with more columns.
Andrea Telatin
makeSampleSheet [options] -i INPUT_DIR
-i, –input-directory DIRECTORY
Directory containing the paired end files in FASTQ format, gzipped or not.
-o, –output-file FILE
Output file, if not specified will be printed to STDOUT.
-1, –for-tag (and -2, –rev-tag) TAG
Identifier for forward and reverse reads (default: _R1 and _R2)
-s, id-separator STRING
Sample name separator (default: _)
-f, –field-separator CHAR
Separator in the output file table (default: \t)
-h, –header-first-col COLNAME
dadaist2-metadata of the first column header (default: #SampleID)
Add a colum with the absolute path of the sample Reads
–add-mock-column COLNAME
Add an extra column named
having as value what is specified by--mock-value
—mock-value VALUE
Default value used to fill an optional column (requires
). Default "sample". -
Print version and exit.
Source code and documentation
The program is freely available at released under the MIT licence. The website contains further DOCUMENTATION.